What an honor it is to be a servant of the most high God…
To know that He is your refuge and strength and very present help in time of need...
To have a family in Christ that prays with you and helps you through troubled times, and that lifts you up in prayer and encouragement.
Looking at those who have heeded the call to “Go” into all the world and to
make disciples of all people groups, their commitment to honor the Lord is both
admirable and inspiring; it calls us who sit in the comforts of blessing to support
them and to encourage them...
as they “Go” by grace and faith in an example of
Christ-like selflessness.
KOG M2M is a small group of ordinary individuals who were attentive enough to look into the promptings of the Lord. In effort to learn more about what the Lord was impressing on our hearts, we decided to take a Nehemiah Tour through Global Frontiers Missions in Clarkston, Ga.
Our eyes were opened and our hearts forever changed for the Kingdom of God; we quickly realized the heart-beat of God that ALL would come to know HIM, and His will that NONE should perish...
So, what could we do to make this happen?
We were not in stages of life to answer the call to “Go”; however, we now knew that we could help those who were able to accept the call to “Go”.
It became abundantly clear what we needed to do… and each step of the way, God HAS provided and confirmed that we are fulfilling His desire to be…
“Missionaries to the Missionaries”
Indeed, "Little is much when God is in it."